What is chronic kidney disease?

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) means your kidneys are damaged and can't filter blood the way they should. The disease is called “chronic” because the damage to your kidneys happens slowly over a long period of time. This damage can cause wastes to build up in your body. Diabetes and high blood pressure are the most common causes of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Your health care provider will look at your health history and may do tests to find out why you have kidney disease. The cause of your kidney disease may affect the type of treatment you receive.

There's no cure for chronic kidney disease (CKD), but treatment can help relieve the symptoms and stop it getting worse. Your treatment will depend on the stage of your CKD. The main treatments are: lifestyle changes – to help you stay as healthy as possible.

3 Warning Signs That You May Be Experiencing Kidney Failure

·         Dizziness and Fatigue. One of the first possible signs of weakening kidneys is the experience of overall weakness in yourself and your overall health. ...

·         Swelling (Edema)

·         Changes in urination

If you choose to start dialysis treatment, stage: 5 kidney diseases, life expectancy is five to 10 years on average, though some patients have lived on dialysis for 20 years or more. If you have a kidney transplant, a living donor kidney can function for 12 to 20 years, and a deceased donor kidney for 8 to 12 years.


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